
Sunday 13 March 2016


Boys vs Girls

In the beginning...

Research and statistics show that there has been a shift in power in regards to the dominant sex in education. Pre-world war two the boys were a clear step ahead of the girls with consistently higher grades and progression into further and higher education was more prominant with boys than girls. Post world war two saw these statistics begin to alter, girls grades were rising, opinions were changing and by the 1980's girls began taking the upper hand in educational achievement and progression.

What ignited this catalyst of change?
According to Bilton, T. Bonnett, K. Jones, P. Lawson, T. Skinner, D. Stanworth, M. Webster, A. (2002) the expectations of girls ability in education were lower than with boys and it was generally expected that boys would perform better and achieve higher grades. It wasn't until after 1970 that feminists began to highlight the fact that there was gender bias in education (pp 276). The concern was that girls performed well during the primary years of school and even out performed boys but then during secondary education everything changed, there was evidence of girls grades diminishing and boys grades growing. This was also highlighted by the number of boys who continued in the education system compared to girls (Browne, K. 2015).  (Arnett, G. 2014) [Online] (Accessed 13/03/16). Click this link for an interesting article discussing educational differences in gender from 1989-2014.

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It would seem that perceptions from teachers and societal expectations holds a strong correlation towards the different achievment levels between the genders. As men were the more dominant sex in the workforce this contributed to the belief that boys needed a higher and more focused level of education (Macionis, J. J. 2011) (pp 302). This has been reflected in educational research which shows that boys are given more attention in educational establishments unfortunatley this has undermined the confidence of girls and has in the past contributed to girls underachieving (Browne, K. 2015). The stereotypical expectations which are placed on boys and girls is believed to shape their self-concept this means they will begin to behave in a way in which they believe they should to fit those expectations. This can mean that even when both sexes are achieving the same grades their self belief is distorted as it doesn't match the expectation which is portrayed through teaching. Because of the teachers perceptions and expectations this can cause greater gender difference (Schoon, I. Eccles, J. S. 2014).

Expectations can Change!
With the rise of feminism women no longer expect to leave school uneducated and end up staying at home to bring up a family. The rise in equal opportunities has empowered women to want to do well at school and to become high achievers (Macionis, J. J. 2011) (pp 302)

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As women are intergrating into traditionally male orientated enviroments there is a feeling that this could be adding to the crisis that men are identifing with. They feel imasculinated which can lead to lack of motivation this could be one of the reasons that boys are not performing as well as they used to (Browne, K. 2015)  (pp 70). As men and boys are trying to establish where they belong in society it is thought that the 'laddish culture' could be promoting the 'too cool for school' image which in turn is having a negative impact on their grades (Walsh, M., Stephens, P. and Moore, S. 2000). 

Subjects Matter
There are still divisions in subject choices and it is general noted through research that girls are still choosing and performing better in certain subjects. These tend to be humanities, arts and language and there is evidence that women make up less than 50% of Mathematical sciences, physical science and business/administrative studies (Leathwood, C. and Read, B. 2008)Although in English language at O level and GCSE level women have been maintaining consistently higher grades since the 1950's (Femee, J. 2007). There is an interesting book which shows and discusses these differences in subject choices in more detail and suggests reason for these differences, just follow the link:-

 What happens next?

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It is evident that the theories regarding gender division are varied and many point towards social construction as a major contibutor to gender differences within the education system. It would also seem that as women are gaining credibility and acknowledgement men are losing clear definition of their identity. The road to equality and inclusion of both sexes within education is clearly building but it is also equally clear that there is a long way to go before the word 'equal' can be used with true meaning.

Bad Boys bad Boys whatcha gonna do?

(Lewis, I. 1990).

What is a man?...

How is a man defined? His power to provide? His virility? His protectiveness? 
What is masculine? If a description is sort most people will use words to describe certain traits which are deemed socially acceptable in recognizing masculinity.


But what do these words really mean and what makes them masculine?


(Bolton, M. Goldmark, A.)

When describing masculine traits in western cultures provider is one of the main masculine traits referred to. Historically this was a firm characteristic as traditionally women stayed at home to bring up the children and look after the domestic chores (Spence, J.T. and Helmreich, R.L. 1979) (pp 4). Through this gender differentiation social construction has reinforced these stereotypes. However, as women have become more prominent within the workplace this analogy loses credence. Although men are still in the majority bracket for higher earnings and higher positions it is not unrealistic to see that women can satisfactorily provide for the family. But it should be noted that a majority of women will still take career breaks to care for the family (Nino, L. 2006).

‘…the problem that male-identified people experience is not due to the mere fact of “being a man” but rather the struggle and negotiation of what masculinity means for them and others in today’s world’(Kahn, J.S. 2009)
(Anka, P. 1974).

Although this is mainly thought of as an especially male dominant trait women are taking control of their sexuality and the rise of contraception has enabled women to consciously decide whether or not they follow the assumed roles to which society expects. This has empowered women to be in control of their own bodies.
(Zippei, D. Wilder, M.)

As the traditional ‘head of the family’ the man is seen as the protector. He aims to look after the family unit and ensure the safety of each member. As women become more self-assured and in control again this description doesn’t appear to hold the same level of authority when describing what it means to be a man (Spence, J.T. and Helmreich, R.L. 1979)

The crisis of masculinity…

(Rutherford, M. Banks, T. Collins, P. 1986)

The changes in traditional roles, the rise of feminism and the acceptance of homosexuals all play a part in the crisis of masculinity.Men have followed traditional role models for centuries but as the rise of women in the workplace and the increase in single parent families these traditional roles are no longer exclusively male orientated. This has caused unease amongst men as they have no clear definition of what it is to be a man (Davis, K., Evans, M. and Lorber, J. 2006). (pp 109-110).If a man displays traits which are deemed feminine for example by being sensitive and caring, he is ridiculed and called names like ‘sissy’ ‘soft’ ‘gaylord’ (Kahn, J.S. 2009). (pp 200).

Image result for caveman cartoons

The modern day man is torn between behaving traditionally and being shunned by women for undermining their capabilities or being accepted by women by displaying sensitive traits and being the subject of ridicule by their peers. 


Is a woman a woman because of her reproductive system and physical appearance?
Is a woman a woman because she adopts characteristics appropriate to society’s ideology?
Is a woman a woman because language dictates her position…?

Motherhood.... Natural??

‘The bodies of women give birth to children, anchoring motherhood firmly in what we think of as nature; but both women and motherhood are subject to the complex formulations of culture’
(Oakley, A. 2005)
Ann Oakley (Oakley. A. 2005) suggests that motherhood is overwhelmingly portrayed in society as the ultimate product of femininity. The images of fulfilment on becoming a mother are displayed in abundance (pp119-120).
The maternal instinct, the contentment, the happiness. The mother. In reality motherhood is often very different. When ‘postnatal depression’ ‘baby blues’ the lack of ‘naturally’ knowing what to do strikes, is when male patriarchy arises (Terry, M. 2014) (pp 22-23).

Mentally unstable?

(Burton, B. Callaway, T. Reverberi, G F. Reverberi, G. P. 2006).     (Cover version by: - Andrade, D. 2014. Crazy.YouTube. ) 
If men can have both families and careers without going crazy or being accused of greed, why can’t women?’
(Lakoff, R. T. Bulcholtz, M. 2004) (pp 22)
 Quickly the Freudian concepts of women being fragile of mind creep into medical practices and exclusively ‘female only’ medical conditions are implied (Collins 2002) (pp94).

The ‘Perfect mother’?

 (West, L. 2011).

Ann Oakley (Oakley, A. 2005) discusses the process of a woman entering motherhood is assumed to embrace the embodiment of her new role of ultimate femininity.
The pressure to be everything society has stylised around being the ‘perfect’ mother can be all-encompassing which can lead to unhappiness and a feeling of inadequacy. The trivialising of these feelings of postnatal depression as being linked to hormonal mechanisms is just another way that men can appear to be of sound mind unlike their female counterparts. This maintains the ideals that man is stronger therefore superior. (pp 119-120).

Expectations vs reality.

(Merrelltwins. 2013)

Germaine Greer (Haralambos, M. Holborn, M. Chapman, S. Moore, S. 2013) implies that the intrinsic way in which motherhood is displayed is obviously to make it appear a life-affirming role. Women being coaxed into a role which rather than enhances their position in society serves only to reduce their significance to a greater degree. The man’s position within society grows in status as he has fathered a child. While the woman is expected to perform her role with little or no recognition. (pp 518).



(Idol, B. 1982) 
(No date) Available at:   (Accessed: 24 January 2016)

Abbot, P. Tyler, M. Wallace, C. (2006) argues that the way language is used is also a form of maintaining the male as the ‘norm’ and female as the ‘deviant’. By using the simple analogy of the wedding ceremony between heterosexual couples, when the Priest pronounces them ‘man and wife’ the implications of this small phrase raises issues of magnitude into the contract they have entered. The man is addressed as a representation of his greatness as ‘man’ in contrast the woman is called wife which is a representation of her new role and the expectations this entails. Her identity has already been lost (pp 354).

‘If one takes the maleness of language to go beyond a few specific terms, one will take language’s power to make women invisible to be even stronger’

(Saul, J. 2004. Accessed [online] 23/01/16.
Biology, language and socialisation each play a part in the separation and inequality towards gender, as represented by the feminist point of view. There is clearly a link that weaves through them tying them together.
The way in which language is used is seemingly a product of the socialisation process. The socialisation process can be interpreted as a template created to envelope the biological form.
The biological form depicts the formation of language.
Therefore unless the stylisation of language changes and is integrated through the socialisation process inequality between the sexes will remain a biological divide.

I am what I am!

(Herman, J. 1983).
Image result for multitasking
Written by Sarah Newton. 24/01/16.